Achieve Documented Safety and Performance Improvements from a Proven Safety System

More and more industries are looking for an improvement in safety awareness of all employees. To realize this goal, LifeWings and QESH Services developed the Safety Awareness Program. This Safety Awareness Program is based on the CRM training programs in the aviation industry. There it has demonstrated his effectiveness to reduce errors and incidents and above all improved and increased effectiveness and productivity. This Safety Awareness Program increases the overall safety awareness with your staff and how to deal with it on a daily bases.

The U.S. commercial airline industry was once plagued with an epidemic of preventable human errors, and as a result, had an unacceptably high rate of accidents and passenger deaths. U.S. government researchers identified that 70% – 80% of aircraft-related fatalities were a result of human error and poor teamwork. The industry’s response was to develop a safety improvement program called Crew Resource Management (CRM). Those airlines that implemented CRM programs dramatically improved their safety record. The resultant decrease in accidents prompted the U.S. government, in 1992, to make the use of CRM programs mandatory at all major U.S. airlines. The aviation industry’s success in reducing critical errors has spared many lives and saved a great deal of money. The widespread use of CRM has contributed to reducing the risk of dying on a U.S. major jet air carrier flight to 19 per billion, an 86% drop from the risk in the 1990s.

Since then, almost 20 years of teamwork research and experience in high-risk industries such as aviation, nuclear power, and military operations have clearly demonstrated that CRM-based safety programs can overcome the primary communication and collaboration causes of unsafe events. This success has caused the use of CRM programs to spread to other industries. CRM has been demonstrated to be suitable for industries such as:
Oil and Gas Exploration
Governmental Departments

What Can QESH Safety Awareness Program Do for Your Organization?
Here are the documented results from an oil industry construction company (200 employees) that implemented our Safety Awareness Program (other case studies are available by request):
Better communication;
Productivity improved by 4%;
Compliance with safety inspections and control activities improved from 15% to 85%;
Employee satisfaction improved from an average score of 4 – 5 to an average score of 7 – 8.5;
Internal complaints went from 0 to 158, by implementing “no blame culture” and more safety awareness
External complaints and reports of near-miss incidents has increased from 4 to 118;
Customer satisfaction survey improved from an average score of 5 – 6 to 8 – 9;
Accidents with lost time decreased from 35 to 17;
AO percentage decreased;
Two on-going issues with IT and vehicle maintenance were solved with an ROI of 65,000 USD;
Employee-caused material damage costs decreased from 78,000 USD to 28,000 USD;
Sales increased 12%;
Employee overtime usage decreased from 145% to 130%;
We provide this Safety Awareness Training Program and Consultancy to create sustainable and measurable cultural change in your company.
Our Safety Awareness program provides:
Better team safety performance;
Better safety systems;
Safer work environment;
Improved employee satisfaction;
Better customer service and satisfaction;
Lower costs and increased profitability.
Go to the first step of the Safety Awareness Program:
1. A thorough GAP Analysis / Safety Risk Assessment of your organization, staff, and safety procedures.